Singapore American School Reunion 2019
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Leslie (Babinec) Trout
Graduated from Central Michigan University and then went to work for Japanese Gas Corp in Jakarta Indonesia for a year. Moved to Chicago, IL, and worked as Asst Acct Supervisor for a property management firm. Moved to Texas and married Tim Trout (also a 3rd culture kid who has lived in Libya, Indonesia, and Iran).

We have three amazing kids; Monica, Robert, and Michelle who were all born in TX. We moved from TX to NV (Reno area) to AZ, and back to TX again. We currently live in Katy, which is just west of Houston.

Favorite memories of SAS/Singapore include: sports trips to Jakarta, KL, and Bangkok; Coach Kasi and VJ; Mr. Ho’s curry; interim semester trips to Mt. Kinabalu, bike trip to Mersing, and trekking in Nepal; pep rallies; fresh fruit drinks and all the amazing food at the stalls; disco dancing at Lost Horizon; The American Club; being a watergirl for the Bulldogs football team; Holland Village, CK Tang, Cold Storage and Jason’s, and Tanglin Shopping Center; and the amazing cultural experience that living in Singapore provided.
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